Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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The land use politics of hemp are inseparable from cannabis, and in turn, agriculture in general. Agriculture can be disruptive to residential areas, with machinery operating at all hours, dust, and odors. Tensions between agriculture and residents with no experience or interests in agriculture can be especially contentious. This is especially true for hemp, which is being grown or processed in far more of these situations – close to homes and schools – than hog farms are.
Hog farming is notorious for strong odors, and historically has created significant conflict. If you live in hog farming areas like Eastern North Carolina, hog farms either smell like crap, or smell like money, depending on your orientation, which for the most part there, is represented in the latter sentiment. Many communities have land use policy that protects agriculture if it is an important industry locally, shielding…