Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
Table 1
Table 2
Today’s Market
Prices were again higher on Heavy Texas Steers, Branded Steers, Butt Branded Steers, Colorado Branded Steers and Dairy Cows. Steer and dairy cow prices have been steadily increasing since mid August. The firmness in price for these selections can reasonably be attributed to the increased demand from the upholstery sector.
Outstanding Export Sales
Tables 1 and 2 below show the total outstanding cured hide and wet blue export sales by selected countries through September 5. Through Week 36, the total outstanding sales are 5.077 million from 5.009 million the prior week. With the same period average weekly slaughter at 600,721 head, the cumulative outstanding sales represent 8.45 weeks of production from 8.35 the previous week.
Table 1 & 2.