Lawmakers Allow for Delay in IFR Implementation

Lawmakers Allow for Delay in IFR Implementation

Hemp producers operating in the two dozen states that have yet to develop a USDA approved plan are breathing a huge sigh of relief this morning.  As are the state agencies who wondered if they had missed the boat on policy making for a hemp program.  Yet another group, producers in New York, New Hampshire, Mississippi, Hawaii and Virginia had already accepted the fact that they’d be obtaining a USDA Hemp Producer license after their state’s decided to defer to the federal agency for hemp production oversight. The policy landscape in hemp impacts hemp prices, but not hemp pricing alone. For some, it will have a direct impact on productivity and profitability.  A non-compliant crop, or portion thereof, can have dire consequences for farmers.

USDA is also likely celebrating the delay of implementation. After all, they’re just along for the ride, having received a mandate through the 2018 Farm Bill.  The…

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