Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Hide prices fluctuated today on a number of mixed reports. Butt Branded Steer (BBS), Branded Heifer (BH) and Dairy Cow (DC) moved higher, while a few fell from previously traded ranges. Also reported, were fed branded cows of 64/68 lbs. at $22.50. Most seller’s offering lists were short, as there is little supply, but buyers continue to show strong interest.
USDA Hides and Skins Report
Net sales of 340,400 pieces for 2021, primarily for China (232,400 whole cattle hides, including decreases of 8,100 pieces), South Korea (55,600 whole cattle hides, including decreases of 700 pieces), Mexico (25,600 whole cattle…