Industrial Segments Well Positioned

Industrial Segments Well Positioned

The groundwork for flourishing fiber and hempseed segments is well underway in the US.  This is the piecemeal work that includes broad infrastructure development, and problem solving for a wide range of production and transportation issues. Vertically integrating industrial scale supply chains for hemp fiber will present challenges, given the vast technical territory it spans.  Viable product concepts will spawn innovation throughout the supply chain where participants at various levels can fill a needed role. This organic growth will underlie a diverse supply chain that serves a range of industry. 

Energy projects are emerging in hemp now, and we expect ample opportunity to parlay our biofuels expertise into an emerging hemp energy segment.  We reported on the use of post-extraction CBD biomass for fuel pellets last year, and will look to update readers on this…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

The EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) released its report on 2024 aviation fuel prices on February 25, and this will be used to assess penalties for non-compliance with ReFuelEU...


Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Activity in the US animal fats and oils markets picked up late in the day on Monday March 3, with the US Gulf region reporting the bulk of trades.

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