Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Hide prices traded mostly sideways today, which is in line with the hushed holiday week for Asian customers. The packer reports were on light weight Butt Branded Steers and Native Bulls, falling $1 and $2 respectively. The automotive upholstery market maintains firm interest, particularly out of Mexico. The microchip shortage continues to be a risk for carmakers, but the demand for hides has not faltered.
USDA Cured Hide and Wet Blue Export Sales Recap
For week ending February 4, export sales for 2021 marketing year decreased 5 percent to 483,372 from 508,799 and shipments decreased 4 percent to 545,046 from 568,491. Sales for marketing year 2021 totaled 2,459,516—mostly all hides. The average year-to-date weekly trends for federally inspected slaughter were 655,045, total export sales were…