Grains End Week Higher Despite Two-Day Slide

Grains End Week Higher Despite Two-Day Slide

Weekly Soybean and Corn Prices Hold Close to Near-Term Highs

Grain prices finished the week stronger despite Thursday’s sell off. Grain prices had limited follow through allow weekly prices remain near-term highs.  Soybean prices closed fractionally lower on Friday but at $14.05 per bushel they ended the week with a two percent gain.  Corn values saw a fractional gain in March futures pricing on Friday but a decline of two cents per bushel in May futures.  Corn prices closed the week at 5.55½ per bushel, two percent over last weeks close. Wheat prices saw the largest sell-off among the grains on Friday, falling 16.75 cents, or 2.5 percent.  Wheat prices ended the week at $6.55 per bushel, a gain of 0.65% across the week.

weekly grain change in price




Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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