Strong Demand from Mexico and China Lifts Soybean Exports

Category: Grain and Feed Ingredients

Strong Demand from Mexico and China Lifts Soybean Exports

Weekly soybean export sales for the 2020/21 marketing year of 292.5 thousand metric tons (TMT) were noticeably above last week's total and the four-week average of 42 TMT. There were 315.3 TMT in sales recorded for the 2021/22 crop season, lifting total sales to 731.5 TMT. Combined crop year sales were 93 percent over last week and exceeded analyst estimates that ranged from 150 to 550 TMT. 2020/21 export commitments are 98.5 percent of the revised USDA forecast with 18 weeks remaining in the...

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Wheat Exports Reach 10-Week High

Wheat Exports Reach 10-Week High


Soybean Oil Futures Trade Limit Up, Reach 12 Year High

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Early Crop Planting Progress Ahead of Schedule


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China’s Export Appetite Slowed Last Week

China’s Export Appetite Slowed Last Week

Weekly soybean export sales for the 2020/21 marketing year of negative 92.5 thousand metric tons (TMT) were noticeably below...

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China and Mexico Remain Strong Buyers of Corn and Wheat

China and Mexico Remain Strong Buyers of Corn and Wheat


Exports Exceed Analyst Projections for Corn and Wheat

Weekly soybean export sales for the 2020/21 marketing...

WASDE Balance Sheets for Corn and Soybeans Unchanged

WASDE Balance Sheets for Corn and Soybeans Unchanged

The March World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) released by the USDA were unchanged for corn, soybeans, and...

Grains End Week Higher Despite Two-Day Slide

Grains End Week Higher Despite Two-Day Slide

Grain prices finished the week stronger despite Thursday's sell off. Grain prices had limited follow through allow weekly prices...



US Court of Appeals sends SRE decision back to EPA; soyoil prices tumble on potentially lower biofuel demand

US Court of Appeals sends SRE decision back to EPA; soyoil prices tumble on potentially lower biofuel demand

On Friday July 26, the US Court of Appeals vacated at least some of the blanket small refinery exemption (SRE) denials made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in...


Animal fats and oils trade freezes following soybean oil market drop on SRE report

Animal fats and oils trade freezes following soybean oil market drop on SRE report

Trading in the animal fats and oils market was quiet on Friday July 26; the California yellow grease market the only one to rise, with prices up to 31-32...


Porcine bloodmeal, Missouri River, moves higher week on week; June commercial cattle, hog slaughter

Porcine bloodmeal, Missouri River, moves higher week on week; June commercial cattle, hog slaughter

US animal protein prices were highly mixed in the week to Friday July 26, with limited trade on both Thursday July 25 and on Friday. Porcine bloodmeal was the...

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