Organic Corn Imports Poised to Arrive in March

Organic Corn Imports Poised to Arrive in March

Organic corn prices remain stable, as the market appears to have found an equilibrium near $8 delivered in the mid-west. The is little activity as most are focused on the organic soybean and byproducts market. Organic corn supply remains strong, as it seems that many farmers have yet to price the organic corn they have in their bins. It also and it looks as that imports are on their way. 

According to Agricensus, The Katya Atk is now heading to Sparrows Point, Maryland, according to ship-tracking software. The ship holding approximately 25K metric tons of organic corn from Argentina is expected to arrive there on March 29 at 7 am local time. The Jacobsen believes that around 2K additional metric tons of organic corn imports will flow into the US in March. Still, this number of 27K metric tons would be down 6K metric tons in March compared to the same period in 2020. Organic corn prices on the coasts reflect transportation….

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