Furniture Demand Drives Cow Hide Prices Higher

Furniture Demand Drives Cow Hide Prices Higher

Cow hides demand is strong due to the active furniture upholstery business. A number of US hide selections used in this industry increased in price today. At this early point of the week, sellers have reported a quiet tone to the market for other selections, but buyers are actively inquiring about offers. The shipping backup in the APAC region has not improved which is a risk to the timeliness and completion of orders. Tables 3 & 4 illustrate the outstanding sales below, week 10 data indicate a high volume of hides in need of shipment in the near future. 

Outstanding Export Sales  â€”  Through March 11

Tables 1 and 2 below show the total outstanding cured hide and wet blue export sales by selected countries through March 11. Through Week 10, the total outstanding…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
Table 1

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EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

The EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) released its report on 2024 aviation fuel prices on February 25, and this will be used to assess penalties for non-compliance with ReFuelEU...


Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

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