Governments around the Globe Wrestle with Cannabis Policy

Governments around the Globe Wrestle with Cannabis Policy

The US isn’t the only country wrestling with the regulation of hemp after so many decades of prohibition.  Global institutions – and certainly most governments – developed amongst the backdrop of an international drug war.  Like ocean going vessels, ships of state do not turn easily.  Likewise, the ability to pivot and move the wheels of government to make wholesale changes across various tranches of regulatory oversight is limited. 

Recent Hemp Bulletin commentary on California’s development of AB45 to regulate CBD and other hemp derived products illustrates the complexity of introducing hemp into California agriculture and markets.  California may be the poster child of a messy transition due to the long-established MJ industry there.  Select counties and towns in California have made their own hemp regulations, and outright banned its cultivation, or effectively did so, with a slate of onerous regulations.

 Over 5000…

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