Hemp Acreage Rises Modestly on September Report

Hemp Acreage Rises Modestly on September Report

The most recent Farm Service Agency (FSA) crop acreage data for hemp shows a 7% increase in overall acreage over August’s report.  Just over 35,000 acres have been reported to the agency this year, but we can speak with some confidence that the figures do not show 5000 or more acres in the state of Oregon, and likely other states as well.  Producers on Oregon have no historical connection to the FSA there and no clear incentive for reporting their acreage. 

Oregon cannabis culture, crossover with hemp and MJ operators, gray markets for ∆8-THC and other novel cannabinoids, makes for less than proactive acreage reporting to a federal agency. And now, increasing illicit MJ production in…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

The EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) released its report on 2024 aviation fuel prices on February 25, and this will be used to assess penalties for non-compliance with ReFuelEU...


Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Activity in the US animal fats and oils markets picked up late in the day on Monday March 3, with the US Gulf region reporting the bulk of trades.

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