Biodiesel Margins Reach Multi-Year High During November

Biodiesel Margins Reach Multi-Year High During November

**Please Note** The Jacobsen will not publish The Biodiesel Bulletin next Thursday & Friday, November 27th and 28th, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Trade will close at noon CT on Wednesday with publication shortly after.**


Biodiesel Margins Remain Favorable 

Biodiesel margins have been in the red for a good part of the year.  However, after grinding firmly negative in late April through mid-June, market fundamentals began to improve.  During October, margins took a strong leg forward and hit highs not seen in several years.

The EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS) appears to be reflecting the change as biodiesel consumption increased for the first time in three months during October and renewable diesel output reached an all-time monthly high.

Margins for soybean oil-based biodiesel hit a near-term high on November 10, before pulling back.  The outlook for November…

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