Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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The development of standards and specifications in all aspects of the hemp sector are ongoing. Multiple layers of specs exist for different derivatives and their applications. On the cannabinoid side, products must meet and exceed these for other dietary supplements, but the endless range of novel cannabinoid blends makes standardization unrealistic across the segment.
This isn’t unusual for other commodity markets, where various product derivatives fit a niche that has evolved specs to enable transactions. Markets shape specifications, where customer demand tends to consolidate on specific properties. Specifications also shape markets, by giving them essential structure to settle contracts, or to manufacture consistent products, whether it is a hempseed feed by-product, a CBD gummy, or micronized hurd for biocomposites.
For the hemp fiber segment, this places early movers in a position of trying to meet customer expectations when…