Membership required to view content. based in Ft. Benton, Montana is planning to expand their contracted acreage in 2022. Key company representatives were in northern Montana this week with an eye to expand hemp production to 8000 acres. IND Hemp contracted 6000 acres in 2021.
The company has been crushing hempseed since the middle of 2020 and their fiber processing facility started running trials in December. 2022 will be a big year for hemp fiber in the US. Operators like IND Hemp will continue to learn about their technology and make adjustments as they go. There is still a collective lack of experience in scaling up hemp fiber production, even though component processes are well established. Theory does not always translate into success with steel in the field or processing line.
Morgan Tweet noted that CBD production in Montana was a big flop, and the state had substantial CBD acreage in 2019. The
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