Biodiesel Margins Impacted as Feedstock Costs Rise

Biodiesel Margins Impacted as Feedstock Costs Rise


Biodiesel Margins Move Lower as Feedstock Prices Rise

Rising feedstock costs reigned in margins last week, ending three weeks of margin improvement that had seen values push above break-even levels.  Soybean oil prices scrambled three percent higher to 68 cents per pound, while ULSD futures declined four percent. 

The bean oil/heating oil spread (BOHO), which measures the profitability of producing biodiesel from soybean oil, climbed 14 percent to $2.18 per gallon.  The higher the spread, the more costly production becomes.  RIN values generally increase to offset rising production cost.

Biodiesel RIN values increased seven percent last week, approximately half the increase seen in the BOHO spread, suggesting RINs could continue higher if the BOHO does not adjust lower. The value of the 2022 biodiesel RIN relative to the 2021 RIN improved last week.  The 2021 RIN has been trading at a premium to the 2022…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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