Record Collapse in Heating Oil/ULSD Futures Sidelines Market

Record Collapse in Heating Oil/ULSD Futures Sidelines Market

NY Harbor ULSD (HO) prices collapsed today, giving up yesterday’s gains along with Monday’s and last Friday’s. The April contracts was down by 97.3 cents/gal, a move that equates to roughly 10.5 – 13 cents per pound of feedstock value. A bearish tone was present on UCO, DCO and fats due to the collapse in HO prices today and the selloff in the RINS market over the last four days. Carryover interest from late yesterday afternoon had UCO bids as high as 90 cents per pound delivered this morning, but as the ULSD market quickly collapsed buyers across the complex stepped away from the market.

Yellow grease was higher into the Carolinas and KS/TX market today on tight supply. Palm stearin prices soared, along with the palm complex, after Indonesia announced plans to limit exports, as reported this morning by our colleagues at AgriCensus 

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