Ukraine Invasion has Far-Reaching Impacts on Markets

Ukraine Invasion has Far-Reaching Impacts on Markets

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has continued to roil global commodity markets, as sector after sector looks to address actual or expected supply constraints.  Hemp is uniquely situated as an emerging commodity that has not yet embedded itself into commercial feed rations, materials formulations, or any number of applications for which it’s suitable. 

Ongoing pandemic driven supply chain disruptions were never resolved, and in some cases, deteriorated even more in recent months.  The market disruption caused by the current Eurasian conflict may not be sharply felt by hemp businesses, who are likely to experience additional challenges as an ongoing blur of ‘fires’ to put out. 

Fuel prices are a global disruption.  If analyst predictions come true, $200 oil would exert novel forces on markets that, along with shortages throughout energy and agriculture, will prompt some hard-to-predict pivots.  As an example, we believe that as protein prices…

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