Hemp Segments Diverge

Hemp Segments Diverge

The hemp industry, and its broad, cross section of stakeholders, are feeling increased friction over the issue of cannabinoids.  Hemp advocacy organizations have generally taken a position on issue like Delta-8-THC, or more broadly, intoxicating cannabinoids.

The hemp-derived cannabinoid segment and industrial hemp segments have very little overlap, except when operator interests cross sectors.  Hemp fiber and hempseed grain segments are diverging from cannabinoids naturally, but in some cases, with considerable effort by stakeholders on the industrial side.   A campaign to exempt grain and fiber hemp from strict THC policy may be controversial, but it makes sense.

The cannabinoid segment will be increasingly compelled to stand on its own, having benefitted by association with multi-purpose industrial hemp since 2018.  Cannabinoids in general face persistent policy headwinds that show no sign of letting up.  Things may get…


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