Weak Demand for European Residential Upholstery & Footwear Leather

Weak Demand for European Residential Upholstery & Footwear Leather

PRICING NOTICE: Correction to the Frigorificos Steers price.

Fastmarkets has corrected its price for May 18, 2023, which was published due to an error.

Date of publication: May 18, 2023
Incorrect price: 0.2600 – 2625.000 for Frigorificos Steers 42/45 kgs
Corrected to 0.2600 – 0.2625
Date changed: May 23, 2023mailto:[email protected]
Fastmarkets’ pricing database has been updated to reflect this change.
To provide feedback on this coverage note or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter, please contact Lexi Watts by email at: [email protected] Please add the subject heading ‘FAO: Lexi re: Frigorificos Steers price


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