USDA Reports Hide Shipments Reached Near 600,000 Pieces For Week 26

USDA Reports Hide Shipments Reached Near 600,000 Pieces For Week 26

Trading this week was reportedly less than the week prior after the 4th of July holiday slowing business activity. Buyers were willing to pay steady or managed to lower prices by $0.50 to $1 from last traded levels. Automotive tanners were active in the market this week to fill missing orders, but leather demand in the sector remained steady.
The low price of hides continues to encourage sellers to send hides to landfill rather than process due to insufficient profits. On large volume seller of cowhides stated “A conservative estimation of how many hides are likely to be sent to landfill are two to three million hides by year end. However, some estimates in the market are upwards of five to six million hides”.

U.S. Export Sales & Shipments for Week Ending June 29

USDA Cured Hide and Wet Blue Export Sales Recap
For the week ending June 29, export sales for the 2023 marketing year decreased 11 percent, from…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

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