Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Steer hide were steady to $1/piece higher today. Colorado branded steers were reported up $1 from yesterday, but steady to their sale levels from two weeks prior.
There is demand from Chinese and Mexican tanners for packer fed steers, given the better-quality hide of the season.
Some sellers remarked that there is an increased interest from automotive tanners this week, specifically commenting that the volume of contracts has increased.
Upholstery tanners in Hebei province in China were also more active in the market this week than the months prior due to increase leather orders from furniture makers. The uptick in the demand from the tanners, and the furniture sector, was due to increased demand for the hide quality rather than increased consumer demand for furniture.
Packer inventories remain elevated, according to several traders and sellers.
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