Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Weekly LCFS Credit Volume Reaches 8-Week Low during First Week of August
Weekly LCFS credit volume slowed as the market moved into a cyclical low between reporting periods. Volume will likely begin to climb through the balance of August before rapidly ascending to new near-term highs in late September/early October. The next LCFS reporting period ends October 2, 2023, with a publication date of October 31, 2023.
2023 LCFS credit volume is 3.79 million above 2022 volume over the same period but generating $906 million less in revenue. The average 2023 credit price of $76.20 is fifty-nine percent below the 2022 average of $121.10, This leaves the program in the odd position of higher volume and lower revenue. If this trend continues through 2023, it will be for the second consecutive year.