Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Hide trading was quiet today despite it typically being the busiest day of the week. Buyers in several sectors of the leather market stated they are either waiting for face-to-face meetings with sellers in Shanghai for the All China Leather Fair (ACLE) or they are waiting on an impending United Auto Workers (UAW) strike.
Chinese tanners were quiet after several weeks of active buying volume from the US, Australian and South American hide markets. Reports continue to come in about sellers in the US pushing volume of wet blue into China at low prices as well as heifers. The demand for these items is reportedly low.
A few auto tanners stated they were likely finished with new orders for the remainder of the month except for occasional spot buying if needed. But tanners are focused on the outcome of the UAW strike, the terms of their agreement and if Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) will have to halt buying while negations are made.