North American Cow Price Comparison

North American Cow Price Comparison

Trading activity in the hide market had one trade reported. Sources reported Heavy Texas steers trading down $0.50 from yesterday’s price levels. Market participants noted there was a lot of interest in cows from upholstery tanners. The steer market is encountering challenges due to the sluggishness in the shoe industry.

North American Cow Price Comparison 2022-2023

The chart below, figure one, illustrates a comparison of cow prices in 2023 with the previous year. It shows that Northern branded cows (NBC) in 2023 have witnessed a decline in trend compared to last year. The prices dropped significantly from January to July for the year but have not crossed the threshold of $6.00/pc so far in 2023 while prices ranged from $5.50-$10.85/pc in 2022. Year-on-year with July 2023 reveals a decline of 34.4 percent. Southwestern branded cows (SBC) also follow a similar pattern as NBC.

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