Export Sales and Shipments Tumble WOW

Export Sales and Shipments Tumble WOW

Hide trading was limited today with buyers and sellers heading back from the All-China Leather Exhibition (ACLE). Sources continue to report a lot of interest for cows but very slow activity in the luxury leather business. 

U.S. Export Sales & Shipments for Week Ending August 24

USDA Cured Hide and Wet Blue Export Sales Recap

For the week ending August 24, export sales for the 2023 marketing year decreased 56 percent, from 412,854 to 232,419 while shipments decreased 22 percent, from 506,805 to 406,015. Sales for the 2023 marketing year totaled 17,922,834 — mostly all hides. The average year-to-date weekly trends for federally inspected slaughter were 622,944. Total export sales were 527,142 and total export shipments were 534,489.

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