Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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The US hide market was somewhat active while automotive tanners wait for the revised contract between the United Auto Workers (UAW) and three major automakers which is due tonight.
Buyers in China remain active in the market, and the demand has pushed butt branded steers back up $0.50 from yesterday $0.50 decrease. Heavy Texas and branded steers traded steady along with branded heifers. Shoe tanners in China remain very quiet and the interest that they have displayed was at price levels that were several dollar down from last reported levels.
U.S. Export Sales & Shipments for Week Ending September 7
USDA Cured Hide and Wet Blue Export Sales Recap
For the week ending September 7, export sales for the 2023 marketing year increased 11 percent, from 484,840 to 540,302 while shipments decreased 10 percent, from 530,186 to 474,562. Sales for the 2023 marketing year totaled 18,947,976 — mostly all hides….