Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Diminished trade along with market unease led to a generally flat market tone for the week. Most adjustments were minimal, though bloodmeal continues to have negative pressure. On Friday, lower values were reported on porcine and ruminant bloodmeal, though values as low as $800/st on porcine and $825/st on ruminant could not be confirmed at press time. Wider ranges lingered on porcine and ruminant bloodmeal due to lightened interest and accounts of market hesitation. A new range of $850-955/st was reported on both ruminant bloodmeal variants and a widened range of $825-900/st was reported on Mo. River porcine bloodmeal.
According to the most recent September USDA Wheat and Feed Outlooks, GCAUs (Grain Consuming Animal Units) are forecast to decrease by 0.7 percent from the current marketing year into 2023/24. The current market year saw very minimal adjustments from the prior month on other feed-related items from the August Feed Outlook.