Consumer Spending Drives Strong Shoe Sales in August

Consumer Spending Drives Strong Shoe Sales in August

Midweek hide trading was steady to last traded levels for steer hides. Sellers pointed to a large volume of bids from various industries, asking to pay $1-2 down from last trades.
Cowhide interest has slowed from the strong interest one month ago. Tanners of these hides have stated that buying is to semi-process, to build inventories, as well as fulfilling the present leather orders.

Consumer Spending Drives Strong Shoe Sales in August

Consumers continue to spend, despite high inflation and interest rates, driving shoe sales to an all-time high in August. According to the Commerce Department’s September report, retail sales increased 0.7 percent from the month prior. Additionally, Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)…

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Haffner Energy to spin off SAF division as independent company

Haffner Energy to spin off SAF division as independent company

French-based technology company Haffner Energy will spin off its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) division into an independent entity called SAF Zero, the company announced on Friday September 13.


Animal fats and oils markets end week stable to lower as SBO, HO continues decline

Animal fats and oils markets end week stable to lower as SBO, HO continues decline

Prices for used cooking oil (UCO) were slightly lower on Friday September 13, as the heating oil (HO) and soybean oil (SBO) markets continued to slump, closing out the...


Lackluster trade volume keeps most animal proteins flat

Lackluster trade volume keeps most animal proteins flat

A quiet tone was noted by most market sources in the US animal proteins market for the week to Friday September 13. The only price adjustments were on bloodmeal,...

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