Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Trading for Heavy Native Steer (HNS) hides and Butt Branded Steer (BBS) hides, commonly used by automotive tanners, traded up $1.50/piece and $2/piece up from last traded levels. According to a few sellers, automotive tanners were more active in the market last week and this week than they had been for the past month.
Hide supply in 2024 has tightened in comparison to the year prior, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Year-to-date, through the week-ending February 24, slaughter for steers and heifers were reported three percent lower than the same time the year prior. Year-to-date slaughter for cows was down six percent from the same time the year prior. Decreasing supply has supported sellers to hold prices firm, and some have reported they will push for higher levels. However, many buyers have resisted the increased offers and have stated the depressed leather prices do not give buyers the ability to pay more for raw material.