Packers Report Incoming Hide Bids From Buyers at APLF

Packers Report Incoming Hide Bids From Buyers at APLF

Hide trades reported on Tuesday March 18 were for material sold over the weekend at levels steady to current market price levels, according to trade sources. Few packers reported incoming bidding activity from buyers at the Asia Pacific Leather Fair (APLF) in Hong Kong. Buyers at the show have bid on several cow hide selections as well as Dairy Steer hides and several sellers have said that they plan to push for higher than current market price levels.

Other sellers, such as processors and traders, reported minimal interest from the show at this point in the week while some sellers also have extensive hide offers available. Hides are decreasing in weight as the US market enters the spring in a move which may bring in increased interest due to the favorability of the lighter, better-quality hides.

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