Slow bidding activity, strong February clothing sales

Slow bidding activity, strong February clothing sales

Midweek trading was at lower than last traded levels for Butt Branded Steer (BBS), Colorado Branded Steer (CBS), and Northern Branded Cow (NBC) hides. Regular-weight BBS, light CBS and regular-weight CBS and NBC fell $0.50/piece from yesterday’s levels. The price decreases were driven by sellers’ high inventories and pessimistic views of demand in the upcoming months.

Biding activity was dismal, according to several sellers. Some raised their offers for various hide selections due to tightening cattle hide supply and firm demand. Buyers have been taking the taking time to judge how the market may play out over the next few days.

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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