Sausage casings bulletin, March 14, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Today’s trading in the US hide market had a softer tone on most items, except for small volumes of light weight Heavy Native Steers (HNS) and Heavy Texas Steers (HTS). Respectively, they traded $1/piece and $1.50/piece higher than last traded levels.
Other hides traded steady to prior levels, or at most, $1/piece lower. Sellers offered lower than current market prices if buyers would accept large volumes. However, most buyers were not interested in buying large volumes. Automotive tanners were somewhat active in the market but were only interested in buying small volumes in case projections for May pickups change.
Upholstery tanners were also active in the market but bid about $2/piece lower than last traded levels due to the slowdown in demand from leather buyers and lower split prices. Footwear tanner demand remains relatively unchanged from the week prior.
U.S. Export Sales & Shipments for Week Ending April 4