Sausage casings bulletin, March 14, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Hide trading was minimal on Wednesday May 1, while most Chinese buyers were celebrating Labor Day.
Several sellers reported that they received a few bids from customers in the upholstery and footwear sectors of the hide markets. The sellers said most bids were a few dollars below offer prices, so they countered. The sellers said they expect more bids to be received overnight on May 1 and on Thursday May 2, following the holiday.
Fastmarkets assessed light and regular weight butt branded steer hides steady on Wednesday, with the last reported prices at $27 per piece for both weight classes; Colorado branded steer hides were also steady at $18.50 per piece for both weight classes. In addition, native bull hides were assessed at $13 per piece on Wednesday, down $1 per piece from the day prior, and branded bull hides were at $12.50 per piece, also down $1 per piece from the day prior.