Sausage casings bulletin, March 14, 2025

Runner market commentary
Table 1
Table 2
Prices for several steer hides were reported at lower levels on Friday May 3 from the day prior. Hide trade reports for the regular weight category for heavy native steer (HNS), heavy Texas steers (HTS) and butt branded steers (BBS) were reported at $31.00 per piece, $22.50 per piece and $27.00 per piece respectively. The decreases from the day prior were of $1.00 per piece for HNS, $2.50 per piece for HTS and $0.50 per piece for BBS.
The price declines followed price increases on Thursday, which were unexpected to several market participants. Hide interest was moderate, but most price ideas were at current market levels or lower, sources said. Depressed leather prices and limited interest in using leather in various designs weighed on hide prices during the week.
Actual slaughter by classification
Table 1