Normalizing hempseed markets is a significant challenge

Normalizing hempseed markets is a significant challenge

Scattershot policies governing hempseed derivatives create barriers for growing markets.  Trials, leading to approvals, that would essentially normalize the food and feed ingredients, are being done piecemeal. 

Hempseed meal was recently approved for use in laying hens, but that effort has been ongoing for years, and other common species will also take considerable funding and time to clear the feed ingredient.

Not only do each species need feed trials, but various classes of animals will also. Broiler chickens still need approval regardless of laying hen clearance.  Dairy cows will need to be handled separately from beef cows, and milk will require testing to understand transference.

Beyond transference, there are no research-based guidelines to quantify safe levels of common cannabinoids like THC or CBD. Fastmarkets reported on this in previous commentary, within the…

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