Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Some US packers reported slight price increases at the start of the week on Monday October 7, but a few traders reported price decreases as well. Multiple sources reported buyers remained active in the market before the material becomes lesser-quality, winter month hides, but were firm on holding prices nearly steady to last-traded levels.
Regular weight heavy native steer hides were reported at $27 per piece and $28 per piece by two separate traders, down by $0.50-1.50 per piece drop from Friday October 4.
Two separate packers reported regular weight butt branded steer hides at $26.50 per piece and native heifers at $22.50 per piece, which were up $0.25 per piece and $0.50 per piece, respectively.
Cattle slaughter forecast
Fastmarkets’ research team forecasts cattle slaughter at 615,000 head in the week to Saturday October 12, up by 0.65% week on week and down by 0.20% year on year.