Biodiesel margins rise, but window of opportunity limited
Biodiesel margins continued to rise during the week to Friday November 22. The bean oil/heating oil (BOHO) spread boosted margins by falling to its lowest level since August 27.
Hempseed Regulatory Movement
Hempseed meal – also referred to as seedcake – is in a surreal regulatory no-man’s land. We refer to the by-product of hempseed crushing as meal, consistent with other agricultural crops. Hempseed meal isn’t an exotic feed ingredient, it is a valuable protein source that can supplant much or all of the soybean meal that comprises the vast majority of livestock feeds. It will also compete with other popular by-product protein components like cottonseed and sunflower meal if pricing dips below $300/ton. More research on hemp’s role in typical crop rotations could drive hemp production – and hemp pricing – considerably, if findings are consistent with existing reports of hemp’s positive contribution to rotations.