THC Continues to Cast a Shadow on Hemp Sector

THC Continues to Cast a Shadow on Hemp Sector

The successful hemp flower segment is the most visible aspect of hemp production for law enforcement, many of whom have lamented the complication that hemp flower has added to illicit MJ enforcement.  Hemp flower prices have made the market very attractive to small farmers. Legal issues will generate persistent headwinds for hemp, arising from the cannabinoids side, but casting a shadow on the fiber and hempseed segments.  Enormous risk will still confront operators, regardless of any movement to 1% total THC.  

 That risk is not equitably distributed around the country, due to local policy or enforcement, but also because states are operating on different standards for THC compliance.  States that are operating on approved USDA plans are subject to the more stringent total THC standards, while states like Oregon or Tennessee offer wide latitude by factoring ∆9-THC, and generously rounding down…

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