Advancing Hemp Grading

Advancing Hemp Grading

Grading is an integral part of agricultural commodity markets.  The USDA has an historical role in developing grading schemes based on industry adopted product standards.  Product standards instill confidence in buyers, facilitating transactions and increased liquidity in the marketplace.  

Cannabinoid hemp is a different crop from hempseed or fiber.  Despite sharing the same botanical nomenclature, the characteristics of CBD or CBG rich plants are a world apart from that of fiber hemp.  Cannabinoid crops will be evaluated on subjective qualities like fragrance but are primarily assessed through the laboratory analysis, especially in the realm of extraction.  

Hempseed standards have developed more than those for cannabinoid or fiber hemp.  As a part of our participation in the ASTM D37 Committee we have recently moved to adopt industry-driven standards for assessing spoilage of hempseed intended for human…

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