USDA Reports Hide Shipments Near 580,000 Pieces

USDA Reports Hide Shipments Near 580,000 Pieces

Buyer interest in the US hide market has slowed at the end of the week as tanners in Asia struggle to pay higher price levels. The exchange rate for Chinese tanners has increased the cost of US hides which many tanners have claimed they are unable to pay more than the price of what was last traded.
Tanners in Hebei province of China are now quiet after having returned to the market in the last few weeks. The typhoon activity in the region has slowed all business.
Automotive tanner demand is the most active in North America rather than Asia. Buyers in Mexico were willing to pay $0.50 more than last traded levels today.

U.S. Export Sales & Shipments for Week Ending July 27

USDA Cured Hide and Wet Blue Export Sales Recap

For the week ending July 27, export sales for the 2023 marketing year decreased 18.17 percent, from 611,279 to 500,235, and shipments increased 13.05 percent, from 507,716 to…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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