Manitoba Harvest Looks to Fiber Markets for Growth Opportunity

Manitoba Harvest Looks to Fiber Markets for Growth Opportunity

Manitoba Harvest, a prominent Canadian hempseed food company acquired by Tilray Brands in 2019, is launching a new hempseed-derived functional fiber product called Bioactive Fiber. Tilray partnered with Brightseed, a bioactives company with IP related to gut fiber.  The product will be marketed exclusively at Whole Foods, giving Manitoba Harvest prominent shelf space for their new launch.

The dietary fiber supplement market is worth billions of dollars and growing.  Estimates range between $4 billion and $9 billion annually for current market size, and future growth predictions fall between six percent and 12 percent compound annual growth rates (CAGR).  One can see the appeal and future growth opportunity if predictions hold.

Click here to learn more and sign up for a free 7-day trial!



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