Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Hide trading in the US was minimal on Wednesday July 17, with sources reporting limited activity.
Northern heavy native cows (NHNC) traded down by $1.25 per piece to $10.50 per piece, and Northern branded cows (NBC) traded down by $0.50 per piece to $5.25 per piece.
Meanwhile, Southwestern branded cows (SBC) traded down by $0.50 per piece to $5.00 per piece.
US drought conditions
Oklahoma State University reports that the US beef cattle industry faces critical challenges due to worsening drought conditions.
The US Drought Monitor reveals that 16.44% of the US and Puerto Rico and 19.43% of the lower 48 states were enduring drought in the week to July 9. These figures have risen by 4% since last week and an alarming 67.1% since last month.