2024 WASDE Production Expectations Varied


2024 WASDE Production Expectations Varied

Values reported for the day were within the previously set values. Contacts called the market quiet again, though wide ranging, for Tuesday. Larger slaughter levels for December have been communicated as well as increased flow on the export front. Increased offerings continue to be communicated from several participants due to several factors including lower interes...

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Wheat Export Inspections Rise as Corn and Soybeans Plunge

Wheat Export Inspections Rise as Corn and Soybeans Plunge

CME grain prices were mixed on Tuesday. March wheat increased by $0.16, closing at $6.25/bu while January soybeans dropped...

Sellers Expected to Drop Offer Prices Due to Limited Demand

Sellers Expected to Drop Offer Prices Due to Limited Demand

Sellers reported limited interest to buy at the start of the week after slow sales last week. According to...

Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil Cash Markets Step Lower

Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil Cash Markets Step Lower

Cash market indications for corn oil, both crude and refined, and sunflower oil continued to step lower this week....

Organic Imports a Key Concern for Stakeholders

Organic Imports a Key Concern for Stakeholders

Organic feed markets will continue to rely on demand generated at the...

Glycerin Prices Continue to Move Higher

Glycerin Prices Continue to Move Higher

**Bob Lane will be out of the office this week, returning on Monday, December 18, 2023. In his absence, please...

Nearby Supply Continues to Weigh on CWG Spot Market

Nearby Supply Continues to Weigh on CWG Spot Market

The market was fairly quiet on Monday, but choice white grease (CWG) did trade lower out of the Mo....

Hog Slaughter Forecast to Close Out 2023 above Prior Year

Hog Slaughter Forecast to Close Out 2023 above Prior Year

Limited trade was reported for the start of the week. Participants called the market quiet for Monday.


Central Illinois Soybean Market Continues to Drop

Central Illinois Soybean Market Continues to Drop

Today's report suggest that DDGS prices had a slight decrease in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. Market participants have...



Signs of US economic downturn send ULSD prices to 3-year low

Signs of US economic downturn send ULSD prices to 3-year low

Shifting economic conditions are raising the possibility of a US recession. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the jobs report on Friday September 6, which showed that...


US fat market slides on pressure from soybean oil, energy complex

US fat market slides on pressure from soybean oil, energy complex

Used cooking oil (UCO), distillers’ corn oil (DCO) and yellow grease all traded lower on Friday September 6 due to pressure from the sinking heating oil and soybean oil...


Sluggish trade volume keeps weekly animal protein prices flat

Sluggish trade volume keeps weekly animal protein prices flat

US animal protein prices were steady on Friday September 6, with market participants indicating light traded volumes for products.

Weekly wrap-up
Prices for US animal proteins were little...

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