Consumer Spending Drives Strong Shoe Sales in August


Consumer Spending Drives Strong Shoe Sales in August

Midweek hide trading was steady to last traded levels for steer hides. Sellers pointed to a large volume of bids from various industries, asking to pay $1-2 down from last trades.
Cowhide interest has slowed from the strong interest one month ago. Tanners of these hides have...

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Edible Oil Futures Markets End Midweek Mixed

Edible Oil Futures Markets End Midweek Mixed

Spot market trading was dull Wednesday in light of the annual American Fats and Oils Association Conference in Nashville. Soybean...

Canadian Organic Imports Decline

Canadian Organic Imports Decline

Canadian organic soybean and corn prices remain close to the...

Federal Reserve Scrutinizes Post-Legalization Economic Gains

Federal Reserve Scrutinizes Post-Legalization Economic Gains

The economic benefits cannabis purportedly brings to communities is a key selling...

P66 Does Not Anticipate CEQA Ruling to Have Adverse Impact on Refinery Timeline

P66 Does Not Anticipate CEQA Ruling to Have Adverse Impact on Refinery Timeline

On October 12, 2023, the Contra Costa County Superior Court upheld the August 2023 ruling that Rodeo Renewables refinery...

AFOA Conference Limits Market Trading

AFOA Conference Limits Market Trading

Trading was quiet for Tuesday with most attending the 2023 American Fats and Oils Association conference in Nashville. Ten...

23’/24′ GCAU’s Move Up MoM but Remain Under 22’/23′ Season

23’/24′ GCAU’s Move Up MoM but Remain Under 22’/23′ Season

Trading was overall quiet for Tuesday with several participants attending the 2023 American Fats and Oils Association conference in...

Corn Conditions Unchanged, Harvest Progress at 45 Percent

Corn Conditions Unchanged, Harvest Progress at 45 Percent

Market participants observed slow trading activity last week and at the start of this week, with reports...

US Hide Market Active Driven By High Retail Sales

US Hide Market Active Driven By High Retail Sales

Packer offer lists were released last night and more will be released tonight. Offers were close to steady levels....



Signs of US economic downturn send ULSD prices to 3-year low

Signs of US economic downturn send ULSD prices to 3-year low

Shifting economic conditions are raising the possibility of a US recession. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the jobs report on Friday September 6, which showed that...


US fat market slides on pressure from soybean oil, energy complex

US fat market slides on pressure from soybean oil, energy complex

Used cooking oil (UCO), distillers’ corn oil (DCO) and yellow grease all traded lower on Friday September 6 due to pressure from the sinking heating oil and soybean oil...


Sluggish trade volume keeps weekly animal protein prices flat

Sluggish trade volume keeps weekly animal protein prices flat

US animal protein prices were steady on Friday September 6, with market participants indicating light traded volumes for products.

Weekly wrap-up
Prices for US animal proteins were little...

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