MBM Continues to Trend on Par with SBM Protein Value


MBM Continues to Trend on Par with SBM Protein Value

**Please note – Chloe Krimmel will be out of the office until Monday, September 25th. In her absence, please contact Ryan Standard at [email protected].**

Trading was very quiet today with no changes reported. Sources continue to hint at some potential negativity in the market based on se...

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Animal Fats – International 21.9.23

Animal Fats – International 21.9.23

Trading out of the Australian and New Zealand markets was sideways this week with no changes reported. Sources indicated...

Soybean Export Sales Fall Below Expectations

Soybean Export Sales Fall Below Expectations

CME grain pricing showed a negative trend today. December corn decreased by $0.0700, falling to $4.75/bu. December wheat fell...

Week 37 Hide Sales Outperformed Cattle Production

Week 37 Hide Sales Outperformed Cattle Production

Please Note

New Friday Publication Hours in Effect — Trade Reporting Deadline 1 p.m. CST Next Friday

The Jacobsen will...

Lineapelle Milan Highlights Sustainability Initiatives in Hide Industry

Lineapelle Milan Highlights Sustainability Initiatives in Hide Industry


September 21

Slaughter remains unchanged.
Good quality Buenos Aires wet salted heavy steer prices are...

Cash RBD Palm Oil Prices Slide Further

Cash RBD Palm Oil Prices Slide Further

RBD palm oil cash prices in the U.S. Gulf moved lower again this week, in step with continued losses...

Global Animal Protein Market Resilient despite Sinking Soybean Meal Market

Global Animal Protein Market Resilient despite Sinking Soybean Meal Market

**Please note – Chloe Krimmel is out of the office until Monday, September 25th. Please contact Ryan Standard at...

Organic Operators Look to Emerging Risks

Organic Operators Look to Emerging Risks

Organic livestock producers are well positioned in terms of emerging climate change...

Cannabis Banking Bill Heads for Committee

Cannabis Banking Bill Heads for Committee

A revised bipartisan cannabis banking

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was filed...



BOHO spread reaches two-month high

BOHO spread reaches two-month high

The BOHO spread rose sharply on Friday September 20 to its highest since late July, as October soybean oil futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange traded higher and ultra-low-sulfur...


US animal fats, oils finish week stable to higher; SBO hits monthly high

US animal fats, oils finish week stable to higher; SBO hits monthly high

The US animal fats and oils markets closed the week to Friday September 20 unchanged, with limited trade reported.

The only notable movement was in the Midwest yellow grease market,...


Poultry by-product meal pet grade lower in Southeast; Sept on-feed cattle higher year on year

Poultry by-product meal pet grade lower in Southeast; Sept on-feed cattle higher year on year

US animal proteins were steady to slightly lower on Friday September 20. The only price change was on the Southeast poultry by-product meal pet grade due to increased production....

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