European Tanneries to Close For Extended Summer Holiday


European Tanneries to Close For Extended Summer Holiday

Buyer activity was steady to $1 higher from last week in terms of volume and price. Buyers have stated their interest is due to timing of summer quality hides to be shipped around the footwear seasonal peak and anticipation that more leather orders may come during the time of delivery.
Governments in China have loosened up on their money lending which has allowed tanners to borrow with less complications than a few months prior. However, the energy saving policy in China will likely cause...

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China Bans Brazilian Beef Imports Due to February BSE Case

China Bans Brazilian Beef Imports Due to February BSE Case


June 29

Slaughter continues strong.
Good quality Buenos Aires wet salted heavy steer prices...

International Animal Proteins 29.06.2023

International Animal Proteins 29.06.2023

Limited trade was reported again this week, though pressure in Indonesia and China on meat and bonemeal continue to...

Persistent Drought Menaces Midwestern Organic Crops

Persistent Drought Menaces Midwestern Organic Crops

Weather challenges have made the 2023 cropping season difficult for organic growers...

Northern Plains Weather a Boon to Hemp Producers in June

Northern Plains Weather a Boon to Hemp Producers in June

Weather challenges have made the 2023 cropping season difficult for hemp growers...

EPA Misses Mark on 2023 BBD RVO

EPA Misses Mark on 2023 BBD RVO

EPA Considers BBD Production Capacity and Other Statutory Issues

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set the...

DCO Production Holds at Yearly High Level

DCO Production Holds at Yearly High Level

*Please Note – Ryan Standard will be out of the office until July 10, 2023. Please contact Amanda Luhavalja...

Deflated Soybean Meal Pressures Animal Proteins

Deflated Soybean Meal Pressures Animal Proteins

Animal proteins were steady to weaker for the day as soybean meal continues to show a negative price direction...

U.S. Weekly Ethanol Production Remains Flat WOW

U.S. Weekly Ethanol Production Remains Flat WOW

Market Update

Wheat midds were weaker for both Minesotta and Kansas City for the day due...



US Court of Appeals sends SRE decision back to EPA; soyoil prices tumble on potentially lower biofuel demand

US Court of Appeals sends SRE decision back to EPA; soyoil prices tumble on potentially lower biofuel demand

On Friday July 26, the US Court of Appeals vacated at least some of the blanket small refinery exemption (SRE) denials made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in...


Animal fats and oils trade freezes following soybean oil market drop on SRE report

Animal fats and oils trade freezes following soybean oil market drop on SRE report

Trading in the animal fats and oils market was quiet on Friday July 26; the California yellow grease market the only one to rise, with prices up to 31-32...


Porcine bloodmeal, Missouri River, moves higher week on week; June commercial cattle, hog slaughter

Porcine bloodmeal, Missouri River, moves higher week on week; June commercial cattle, hog slaughter

US animal protein prices were highly mixed in the week to Friday July 26, with limited trade on both Thursday July 25 and on Friday. Porcine bloodmeal was the...

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