BBD Mandate Including EPA’s  Additional Projections


BBD Mandate Including EPA’s Additional Projections

When a Mandate Might be More than the Mandated Amount

On June 21, 2023, EPA announced the final rule establishing biofuel volume requirements and associated percentage standards for cellulosic biofuel (D3), biomass-based diesel (BBD /D4), advanced biofuel (D5), and total r...

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Soybean Oil Market Continues to Pressure Fats, DCO Higher

Soybean Oil Market Continues to Pressure Fats, DCO Higher

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The market was fairly active for a Monday with choice white grease (CWG) trading higher...

July Cattle on Feed Shows Continued Head Count Reduction

July Cattle on Feed Shows Continued Head Count Reduction

Limited trade was reported for the day with most participants testing the market due to high volatility on the...

Soybean Crush Margins Surge by 75 Percent YOY

Soybean Crush Margins Surge by 75 Percent YOY

Values for DDGs experienced a slight surge due to the rapid fluctuation in corn prices. Market participants indicated that...

Demand for US Hides at Risk Due to Slow GDP Growth in China

Demand for US Hides at Risk Due to Slow GDP Growth in China

Hide trading over the weekend was steady with Friday's report for cow hide selections. Mid-weight packer butt branded steers...

Edible Oil Prices Surge on Hot Weather, Black Sea Tensions

Edible Oil Prices Surge on Hot Weather, Black Sea Tensions

World vegetable oil prices surged out of the gate on Monday. Palm oil and soybean oil futures rallied, with...

Organic Soybean Meal Trade Action

Organic Soybean Meal Trade Action

Enough questions were asked about the public documents we spoke about on...

Weekly Hemp Recap

Weekly Hemp Recap

Last Week's Hemp Commentary


Weekly LCFS Credit Volume Surges to Third Highest on Record

Weekly LCFS Credit Volume Surges to Third Highest on Record

2023 LCFS Credit Volume is 3.5 Million Over 2022, Generating $865 Million Less in Revenue




Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

The EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) released its report on 2024 aviation fuel prices on February 25, and this will be used to assess penalties for non-compliance with ReFuelEU...


Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Activity in the US animal fats and oils markets picked up late in the day on Monday March 3, with the US Gulf region reporting the bulk of trades.

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