CBD Retail Sales

CBD Retail Sales

Marketing channels for CBD and other associated products are diffuse, making the tracking of overall CBD sales difficult.  The Jacobsen uses Nielsen data throughout our portfolio of agricultural commodities to track retail demand where relevant.   

Nielsen collects data from conventional sales channels, showing retail trends that may or may not reflect the greater CBD market.  Nielsen acquired Headset in 2019, making inroads into MJ markets by collecting POS data from dispensaries.  They do not provide granular data to show what proportion of dispensary sales include CBD. 

Nielsen’s marketplace data for CBD is helpful in seeing overall trends, despite missing significant channels, like health food stores.  There is also no way to know how much volume is moving in channels as diverse as yoga studios, golf shops, and chiropractors.  The chart…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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