Hemp Export/Import

Hemp Export/Import

Tracking hemp import/export is not entirely possible at this stage of the industries’ development.  Hemp products have crossed borders for years, particularly textiles from China, and hempseed from Canada. Tracking for whole hempseed is relatively straightforward, the coproducts, not so much.  Add hemp seed for planting to the picture and it quickly fades out of focus.  Volume of imported hemp seed from Canada for sowing has reportedly increased since the first nationwide US crop in 2019.  Canadians are likewise planting more US seed genetics, particularly those experimenting with CBD. 

Hempseed oil is the primary product in current markets, with the remaining hempseed meal, or seedcake, languishing at crushers or in storage.  Without necessary feed approvals, its going nowhere fast.  Given that assumption, it is puzzling why the following chart for hempseed meal…

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